IMD High Pressure Forming Machine Forming Machine,Vacuum Forming Machine,Thermoforming Machine,Vacuum Former,Vacuform Machine Dongguan Pont Neuf United Composites Technology Co. Ltd. , Due to a variety of factors, China's modern industrial manufacturing industry is still at a relatively backward stage. Most of the manufacturing output is still achieved through a huge amount of low value-added products, especially industrial products. Processing equipment such as machine tool products is still in a low-end situation. The high-end market is also occupied by foreign brands. From January to November 2012, China's imports of CNC machine tools were 4.209 billion US dollars, a decrease of 9.2% year-on-year; import volume was 1.43. Million units, a year-on-year decrease of 30.1%; the average import price was 299,300 US dollars/set, a year-on-year increase of 29.8%.
With the increasingly high quality and technical requirements of industrial products, the production technology and equipment in the future will also enter the middle and high-end production mode.
Its statistics from January to August show that since 2010, the growth rate of production and sales of the machine tool industry has been more than 40%. In the next five years, the compound growth rate of the machine tool industry will be 25% to 30%, and high-end CNC machine tools will clearly become the main force for growth. However, due to the long-term lag in the technology of the Chinese machine tool industry, there has been a large gap between the world’s advanced countries in design and R&D, materials technology, and parts and components. The situation caused by this long-term backwardness is that domestic companies would rather spend more to buy foreign products, resulting in a low self-sufficiency rate for China's high-end CNC machine tools industry.
The export volume of Chinese machine tools has ranked eighth in the world, and Europe has become an important market for Chinese machine tool exports. He predicted that China's machine tool consumption in 2013 will increase by 12% to 38 billion US dollars. At present, the European market accounts for 24% of China's total machine tool exports, and the market size is about 600 million U.S. dollars. In the future, China's machine tool market outlook is still relatively good.
China's machine tool consumption continues to grow