Industrial type and occurrence characteristics of phosphate deposits

Yichang, Hubei Province, Shennongjia Baokang area and phosphorus mineral deposition type metal phosphate rock, was aphanitic block, false oolite granular aggregates, i.e. phosphate rock, is hard mineral stone. Deposit: divided into three ore-forming layers, of which the lower layer is a mineral layer of industrial value. The lower ore layer is divided into three ore layers, namely the upper and lower lean ore layers and the Zhongfu deposit, forming a “poor and rich” ore structure. The upper lean layer (Ph13-3) consists of dolomite strips of phosphorite, with an average grade of 18.01%, which is a carbonate type ore. The middle layer (Ph13-2) consists of dense strips of phosphate rock with an average grade of 32.79%. The lower lean layer (Ph13-1) ore is composed of argillaceous strips of phosphate rock with an average grade of 15.16% and is a silicate type ore. The entire Ph13 deposit is a mixed ore. There are few rich ore in the area, and there are a lot of ore. The chemical composition of the ore in Yichang and Baokang mines is listed below (Table 1).

Table 1 Analysis results of chemical composition of ore

project P 2 O 5 CaO MgO CO 2 Loss on ignition Acid insoluble matter R 2 O 3 F SO 4 -2 S SiO 2
Yichang 19.25 39.98 10.85 22.83 22.70 4.50 1.63 0.56 0.70 0.35 /
Baokang 21.80 38.14 4.92 12.41 12.18 / 3.73 1.82 / / 13.32

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