January 7 Shijiazhuang Steel Market Price Quotes

The product name specification material steel factory/origin price (yuan/ton) is Φ6.5/8mm than the last month than last week General line Φ6.5/8mm Q235 Handan 4350 0 0 -200 High line Φ6.5/8mm Q235 Handan 4440 20 40 - 160 High Line Φ6.5/8mm Q235 Shougang 4440 20 40 -160 High Line Φ6.5/8mm Q235 Xing Steel 4440 20 40 -160 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Handan Steel 4660 40 60 -190 Rebar Φ12mm HRB335 Emerging Cast Pipe 4660 40 60 -190 Rebar Φ14mm HRB335 Rebar 4610 40 60 -190 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Rebar 4460 40 60 -190 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Emerging Cast Pipe 4460 40 60 -190 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB335 Dedicated 4370 20 70 -230 Rebar Φ12mm HRB400 Bearing Steel 4800 80 100 -50 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Bearing Steel 4600 80 100 -50 Rebar Φ16-25mm HRB400 Dedicated 4470 20 40 -180 Hot Roll Coil 2.0*1500*c Q235 邯Steel 5000 0 0 0 Hot rolled coil 2.75*1500*c Q235 Taigang 4850 0 50 0 Hot rolled coil 3.0*1500*c Q235 Taigang 4800 0 50 20 Hot rolled coil 3.0*1500*c Q235 Tang 4750 0 50 0 Hot rolled coil 4.75*1500*c Q235 Tangsteel 4650 0 50 0 Hot rolled coil 9.5*1250*c Q235 Tangsteel 4650 0 50 0 Cold rolled coil 1.0*1000*2000 SPCC Angang 5800 0 0 200 Cold rolled coil 2.0*1000*2000 SPCC Angang 5800 0 0 200 Cold rolled coil 3.0*1000*2000 SPCC Angang 5850 0 0 150 Cold rolled coil 1.0*1000*2000 SPCC Hot steel 5750 0 0 200 Cold Coil Plate 1.0*1000*2000 SPCC Benxi Steel 5750 0 0 200 Puzhong Plate 8mm Q235 Handan Steel/TISCO 5650 150 150 0 Puzhong Plate 10mm Q235 Handan Steel 5400 50 130 -10 Puzhong Plate 12mm Q235 Handan Steel 5180 30 110 -30 Puzhong Plate 16-20mm Q235 Tiangang 5000 0 30 -110 Puzhong Plate 14-20mm Q235 Shaogang 5100 60 130 -30 Puzhong Plate 14-25mm Q235 Wenfeng 4950 30 100 -30 Puzhong Plate 14- 25mm Q235 Puyang 4950 0 0 -140 Puzhong Board 16-25mm Q235 Jingye 4950 30 100 -30 Puzhong Board 16-28mm Q235 Jingye 4950 30 120 -10 Low Alloy Board 8mm Q345 Handan Steel 5680 0 0 -140 Low Alloy Board 14-25mm Q345 Handan Steel 5250 50 250 -30 Welded Tube 1 inch Q235 Jinghua 4500 0 0 Welded Pipe 4 inch Q235 Jinghua 4500 0 0 Welded Pipe 6 inch Q235 Jinghua 4450 0 0 0 I Beam 25# Q235 Laigang 4400 0 0 50 I-beam 32# Q235 Baotou Steel 4680 0 0 30 Channel Steel 16# Q235 Jiangtian 4470 0 -30 -10 Channel 32# Q235 Jiangtian 4370 0 -30 120 Angle Steel 5# Q235 Shougang 4400 20 20 -50 Angle Steel 10# Q235 Don Steel 4530 0 0 80

Lace Braiding Machine

lace braiding machine

We have developed the third generation of jacquard weaving machine computerized lace braiding machine with jacquard, in which micro-computer controlling technology is applied to replace lag controlling technology, microcomputer programming software is applied to replace log boring design and production technology, various technology and performance indexes of the product have shown that it has reached the advanced international level and occupied the leading position in China. computer-controlled jacquard weaving machine has the advance of strong adaptability high efficiency, easiness of pattern design, production and revision, and simplicity of preservation.

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