Mines - the main force in the development of green mining

"Seeing the good and the good, seeing the innocence and introspecting itself." On the road of green mine construction, each mining enterprise must not only cooperate with each other, but also learn from each other. How do various mining enterprises play their own advantages and strive to be the leader in the construction of green mines? What lessons do they have to learn from other mines?

In 2017 China Economic and mining circular green the mine shortly before the forum organized by the China Mining Association, from Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd., Shandong New Dragon Energy Co., Ltd., Huzhou New Century Limited gravel, iron titanium Anning Representatives of the company limited by shares, from the perspective of efficient use of resources, technological innovation, and harmonious development, share the experience of their respective companies.

Creating an ecological mining road “Ecological mining is the only way for future mining development.” Xiu Guolin, general manager of the Safety Production Department of Shandong Gold Group Co., Ltd. said that mining, as the foundation of industrial development, plays an important role in industrial development. At the same time, neglecting protection in the mining development process has also brought some harm to the environment, resulting in the waste of mineral resources and land resources. Therefore, the green development of mining is imperative, and the road of ecological mining is also an inevitable choice for the development of China's mining industry.

What is ecological mining, and what role does it play in the construction of green mines? Xiu Guolin said that ecological mining refers to the guidance of ecological civilization in the whole process of mineral resources development, supported by high and new technology, scientifically and rationally according to ecological laws. Extend the mineral resources industry chain to obtain the largest amount of resources with the minimum ecological disturbance, so as to realize the recycling model of the development of resource conservation and comprehensive utilization, clean production and multi-level recycling of waste, and the harmonious development of mine development and community harmony .

He said that as early as 2010, Shandong Gold Mining Group proposed the development concept of “Shandong Gold·Ecological Mining”, advocated respect for eco-natural graciousness, and advocated that mining production should follow ecological principles. Over the years, the company uphold the "Guanghui is the Jinshan Silver Hill," the development goals, the courage to take responsibility for protecting the environment, and actively carry out energy conservation, resource conservation obligations. In 2016, Shandong Gold's mines invested more than 300 million yuan in safety and environmental protection, exceeding the national standard requirements of 46%, and led the development of China's ecological mining industry with practical actions. In addition, Shandong Gold Mining Group has made outstanding achievements in optimizing the industrial structure, increasing scientific and technological innovation, developing circular economy, and increasing harmonious development. The achievement of these achievements not only improved the local ecological environment, but also received praise from people from all walks of life.

Regarding the future development direction and measures of ecological mining, Xiu Guolin suggested: It is necessary to strengthen resource development and management according to law, implement unified planning and rational layout of mineral resources exploration and development, and realize rationalization of resource exploration and rationalization of mineral development. At the same time, it is necessary to intensify the scientific and technological transformation of mines, strengthen technological transformation and technological innovation policies, eliminate or renovate backward production equipment and production processes, improve mines' three-rate indicators, and reduce production energy consumption. In addition, it is necessary to establish a diversified mine environmental protection investment mechanism and establish a mine ecological environment information system.

He said that in the era of ecological civilization, mining development should follow the ecological principle, that is, the development and utilization of resources, the operation and growth of the economy should not limit the harmony and balance of the natural world, and meet the reasonable material needs and spirit of human beings. At the same time of demand and ecological needs, realize the mutual benefit and coordinated development between man and nature.

Leading green mine construction with technology It is well known that science and technology are the primary productive forces. Looking at the past and the present, every progress in human society is accompanied by advances in science and technology. In particular, the rapid advancement of modern science and technology has opened up a broader space for the development of social productive forces and human civilization, and has effectively promoted economic and social development. Therefore, it is inseparable from the advanced science and technology that mining enterprises should promote the construction of green mines.

Shandong New Julong Energy Co., Ltd. is a large-scale mine invested and constructed by Shandong Energy New Mine Group. The designed production capacity is 6 million tons/year and the approved production capacity is 7.5 million tons/year. The group has created “through the thickness of topsoil”. construction wellbore depth, borehole drilling method and the strength of freezing method "four leading international technology, coal mines and factories selected by the national project," Luban. "

Wang Huanzhong, general manager of Shandong Xinwen Mining Group New Julong Coal Mine, said that the company adheres to the concept of “first move” to lead the development of green mines, and has established the “three highs” orientation, the “three” promotion, and the “four transformations”. The concept system driven by “eight nos”. The “three highs” positioning insists on the synchronization of green mining and ecological construction, the synchronization of energy conservation and environmental protection and resource utilization, the synchronization of mining development and regional development; the “three-in-one” promotion means high starting point positioning, high standard construction, and high-level planning; “four modernizations” Integration means new industrialization, agricultural modernization, urbanization, and informationization; the "eight nos" drive means that resources are not wasted, land is not abandoned, subsidence is not reduced, coal is not used for coal, calving is not exhausted, water is not used, and water is produced. Coal does not see coal and the environment is not destroyed. At the same time, coordinate the role of the mining area environment in the planning and layout, do a good job of lighting, greening, beautification, purification, build a mine that is not a mine, not a garden garden.

In addition, Wang Huanzhong also said that through technology leadership, coal has achieved transformational development in technological innovation. The Group achieved green mining and optimized washing and cleaning by improving resource recoverability, increasing resource revitalization and increasing coal washing recovery rate. For example, he said that the top coal process has achieved a top coal recovery rate of 90% through multiple cycles of circulation, uniform continuous, large blockage, and seeing the door closing. High-efficiency drum drying technology can recover 600,000 tons of slime per year... These technological innovations have injected vitality into the construction of green mining enterprises.

“Associated resources realize low-carbon development in 'recycling'.” Wang Huanzhong introduced that the group has built a mine water, mine waste heat and meteorite waste resource utilization system through the combination of treatment and use, cooling and heating, and three-dimensional layout. The value-added effect of resource utilization.

Wang Huanzhong said that the company will further explore green mining technology, continuously promote the clean and efficient development of coal, accelerate the development of high-efficiency ecological agriculture in subsidence areas, continuously improve the circular economy industrial system, and continue to strive to be the leader in green mine construction.

A good technology can not only promote the great development of production, but also change the way of life of human beings. Similarly, advanced technologies in the mining industry have an irreplaceable role in the construction of green mines.

Yao Yifan, chief engineer of Zhejiang New Kaiyuan Crushed Stone Co., Ltd., said that the company is a large-scale construction stone ore enterprise with advanced equipment, advanced technology, energy saving and environmental protection in East China. It has won many honorary titles such as the first batch of national green mines and key enterprises in Huzhou. In the “National Mineral Resources Planning 2016-2120” approved by the State Council in early 2017, Huzhou was clearly established as a national green mining development demonstration zone, which is also the only city in the Zhejiang Green Mining Development Demonstration Zone.

Why can the company become the first batch of green mines at the national level? What achievements have been made in technological innovation? At the seminar, Yao Yifan introduced the company's technological innovations in the green construction of the sand and gravel industry: First, researching new tools for blasting Fine mining. Since 2014, after the company implemented the hole-by-hole detonation technology combined with the digital blasting system, the design period of the blasting scheme has been shortened by half, the single-ton blasting cost has been reduced by 5%, the blasting vibration and the degree of impact, the amount of fine ore and the bulk rate are all obtained. Effective control. The second is to innovate the processing technology and increase the added value of the products. The company has optimized the process system according to the high-performance concrete market demand, such as the development of “three-stage crushing, first-level shaping” process. At the same time, according to the information-based sensing technology, online monitoring and automatic adjustment of parameters (current, machine port, flow) were successfully realized, which improved product quality. In addition, the company has also proposed a new SCM sand making technology. Through efforts, the mechanical sand replacement rate has reached 80% of the industry's leading level. It is expected that this year will achieve the goal of completely replacing natural sand. The third is to develop dust-free and tailings-free technology. According to the characteristics of humid and rainy in Huzhou, the company adopts the combination of dry dust collection and wet dust removal. The dust removal efficiency is over 95% and the dust emission is less than 10mg/m3. For the treatment of wastewater, the company uses the flocculation sedimentation and mechanical pressure filtration technology to achieve the recycling of production water.

Speaking of the effects of these technologies, Yao Yifan is proud to say that at present, the company has become a standard demonstration site for the construction of two districts in Huzhou City and one of the demonstration bases for green mine construction in China's sandstone industry. The technical achievements not only produced economic benefits, environmental benefits but also caused demonstration effects, laying a foundation for continuously improving the level of green mine construction.

Promote harmonious development with the correct concept of justice and benefit "Green mine refers to the minimization of the impact of mine development on the mining environment and the masses of the mining area in the whole process of mineral resources development and utilization, and promote the sustainable and harmonious development of economy, society and environment. The relevant person in charge of Sichuan Anning Iron and Titanium Co., Ltd. said that the correct concept of justice and benefit and green mine construction are mutually unified, and the correct concept of justice and benefit plays an important role in promoting the harmonious development of the economy. The correct concept of justice and benefit refers to the organic combination of collective interests and personal interests, insisting on putting the interests of the state and the people in the first place and fully respecting the legitimate interests of citizens. Both righteousness and benefit are equal, and they are profitable and profitable.

Anning Titanium & Titanium Co., Ltd. is based on the industrial status of Vanadium- Titanium magnetite, which is rich and not rich, and low-grade ore, which accounts for 50% of industrial grade ore. It closely focuses on the “new model of innovative resource conservation and intensive recycling”, through independent innovation, The industrial application of technological achievements, all the resources of the mining area are “eat dry and exhausted”. In the construction of mines, we must adhere to the harmonious development of people and nature and the efficient use of resources. At the same time, adhering to the correct concept of justice and benefit can not only achieve the goal of saving, intensive, and efficient use of resources, but also turn waste into waste and form a new economic growth point. It can also achieve energy conservation and emission reduction, save production costs, and increase corporate profits. Function, so as to achieve the purpose of coexistence of righteousness, righteousness and benefit, and symbiosis.

How can we coordinate the righteousness and benefit with harmonious development? The person in charge of the company said that the company should first establish a correct concept of concept, and in the promotion of the coordination of mineral resources development and environmental protection, the company always adheres to the principle of “mining and reviving”. idea. Secondly, reduce land acquisition and see green. The company is planning to minimize the land occupation of new land and minimize the disturbance and damage to the natural environment. At the same time, it is based on the principles of “ecological priority, adapting to local conditions, planting trees properly, combining grass and grass, and quickly recovering vegetation”. Plant some tree species with long-term growth and long-lived life, and timely re-greening the final slope formed by the stope, dumping site and tailings pond, and carry out the “seeing green” in the ore dressing idle land. In addition, strengthen management. By strengthening the effective disposal of waste gas, waste water, noise, waste rock and tailings produced in the production process, the company uses wet operation as much as possible, and the transportation of minerals between the various processes is carried out by pipeline self-flow.

While doing a good job of the right and wrong view of the mining area, it also needs to develop harmoniously with the local villagers. In this regard, the company has also made some efforts to strengthen communication and coordination with stakeholders, strictly compensate for land acquisition and house demolition in accordance with national regulations, guarantee the purchase of trucks for land-losing farmers, undertake company dumping and product transportation business, and donate money to help the mining area. The village community carries out infrastructure construction such as village roads, irrigation stations, and drinking water projects for villagers; for the elderly in the mining area, males over 60 years old and female over 55 years old, they will be entitled to a monthly living allowance of 300 yuan, and will be distributed to the relocated households and old party members during the holiday. Condolences, priority to recruit farmers in the mining area to work in the company; the company's charitable donations amounted to more than 30 million yuan, and the recruited villagers accounted for more than half of the total number of employees. Some villagers entered the company's middle and senior management positions, and the village where the mines were located from poor villages to 100 million Yuancun really realized "opening a mine and benefiting one party." At the same time, the company also focuses on talent development, respect for creativity, respect for knowledge, and respect for labor.

Finally, the person in charge of the company said that through the construction of green and harmonious mines, we deeply felt that only by putting the national interests and collective interests first, can we make the government reassured and satisfy the people, and the government and the people will support and support the enterprises. In order to promote healthy, sustainable and stable development of enterprises, truly achieve harmony and win-win. In addition, in the future work, Anning Titanium and Titanium will continue to explore the new model of mining transformation and upgrading and green harmonious development in strict accordance with the development concept of “innovation, coordination, green, development and sharing”, and build ecological civilization for the mining industry. Make a bigger contribution.

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