·Ministry of Commerce: The biggest highlight of the car market in 2016

Who is the most happy smile in 2016? The Ministry of Commerce gave the answer: the car.
Recently, the head of the Marketing Department of the Ministry of Commerce told the media about the operation of China's consumer market in 2016. He said that in 2016, automobile consumption achieved rapid growth, and the annual sales of automobiles exceeded 28 million, making it the biggest bright spot in the consumer market.
It is understood that automobile consumption has sprung up in 2016, mainly due to the joint promotion of the small-displacement vehicle purchase tax halving policy and the increase in upgrading demand.
On the other hand, the consumption of public services represented by catering and tourism has also become a flash point for consumption in 2016. "Daily Economic News" reporter noted that the Ministry of Commerce data showed that in 2016, the national catering revenue was 3.58 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%, the growth rate was 0.4 percentage points higher than the retail sales growth rate; the domestic tourist population increased by about 11%. %, tourism revenue increased by about 14%.
The above-mentioned person in charge said that with the acceleration of consumption upgrades, consumers are more willing to spend money on improving their quality of life and taste. Consumer content also shifts from purchasing goods to purchasing more services. Catering and entertainment, cultural leisure, and healthy pension consumption continue. exuberant.

Commodity consumption shifts to service consumption <br style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"> Chinese consumption patterns are undergoing major mode conversion Among them, from the past commodity consumption habits, to the emphasis on service and the identification of quality.
Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that sales of upgraded related products such as quality consumption, green consumption, and fashion consumption are bright. In 2016, the sports and entertainment products of the above-scale units increased by 13.9% compared with the previous year, which was 3.5 percentage points higher than the total retail sales of social consumer goods. The communication equipments above designated size maintained a rapid growth of nearly 12%.
With the continuous improvement of residents' income level and the change of consumption concept, the consumption structure has been continuously improved, people's demand for service consumption has been continuously released, and service consumption such as education and training, medical and health care, health and wellness, culture and entertainment, leisure tourism has become new. Consumption hotspots.
The reporter noticed that tourism, film and other entertainment and leisure experience consumption showed a strong situation. According to the National Tourism Administration, in 2016, China’s total tourism revenue was 4.69 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.6% over the previous year. Among them, the number of domestic tourists is expected to exceed 4.4 billion person-times, and domestic tourism revenue is 3.9 trillion yuan. According to the report of Wanda Cinema, in 2016, the number of people watching the Wanda Cinema line reached 185 million, an increase of 22% over the previous year; the box office reached 7.6 billion yuan, an increase of 21%.
“Quality consumption has become another major feature of consumption in 2016. People no longer follow the trend and chase the 'explosion models'. 'Xiaozhong' and 'rationality' have gradually become people's shopping habits.” Zhao, director of the International Trade Research Department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Ping believes that “rational and decentralized consumption concepts will make consumption growth more stable, while higher unit prices for high-quality, high-tech goods will contribute to the increase in total consumption.”
Among all kinds of consumer goods, automobile consumption has become the biggest bright spot in 2016.
In 2016, the annual sales of automobiles exceeded 28 million units, an increase of 13.65% year-on-year. The growth rate was 9 percentage points higher than that of the previous year; the sales of vehicles above designated size increased by 10.1%, an acceleration of 4.8 percentage points. Among them, the sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 500,000 units, ranking the first in the world for two consecutive years; SUV sales increased by nearly 50%. Driven by the increase in automobile sales, the growth rate of sales of petroleum and products changed from negative to positive. The sales of units above designated size increased by 1.2%, and the growth rate accelerated by 7.8 percentage points over the previous year.
This year's consumption growth is expected to exceed 10%
The person in charge of the above-mentioned Department of Marketing Operations of the Ministry of Commerce said that China has entered a new stage of development in which consumption scale continues to expand, consumption structure is accelerated, and consumption contribution is continuously improved. From the later stage, with the acceleration of China's new industrialization and supply-side structural reforms, the middle-income groups have continued to grow, the urbanization rate has steadily increased, and consumption still has a large room for growth.
According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2016, the total retail sales of consumer goods exceeded 33 trillion yuan, reaching 33,231.63 billion yuan, a nominal increase of 10.4% over the previous year. The contribution rate of consumption to economic growth continued to increase. In 2016, the contribution rate of final consumption expenditure to economic growth was 64.6%, which was 4.9 percentage points higher than 2015, higher than 15.8 percentage points in 2014.
In the eyes of many industry insiders, consumption will continue in 2017, and the growth rate will remain above 10%.
“In 2017, the overall situation is growing steadily, the economy is still facing downward pressure, and the stability of consumption will be better.” Zhao Ping told the “Daily Economic News” reporter that in addition to income, habits, culture, and psychological influences are more obvious, long-term factors. Will be the decisive factor affecting consumption. It is expected that the consumer market will maintain a stable and rapid development trend in 2017, and the annual consumption should continue to grow at around 10% in 2016.
Lian Ping, chief economist of Bank of Communications, believes that at present, China's economic growth dependence on external demand is weakened, and its dependence on domestic demand is enhanced. A large number of policies to promote consumption growth have gradually released their effectiveness, and supply-side structural reforms have promoted consumption growth and consumption upgrading. The development of information technology promotes the willingness to consume and the increase in consumer confidence. The rise in the price level has played a role in boosting the nominal growth rate of consumption. Consumption in 2017 is expected to increase by about 10.2%.
International institutions are also optimistic about the long-term trend of China's consumption growth. The Economist Institute predicts that by 2030, the proportion of low-income people in China will fall from 37% in 2015 to 11%. The proportion of income groups with an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan will increase from 4.5% in 2015 to 14.5%. The Boston Consulting Group also expects China's consumer market to reach $6.5 trillion by 2020.

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