National New Energy Subsidy New Deal Implements End-of-Life Subsidy of Under 150km Model Stops

People's Daily, Beijing, June 13 (Zhejiang University) based on the "Notice on Adjusting and Perfecting the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Popularization and Application of New Energy Vehicles" jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the National Development and Reform Commission. Since June 12, China will begin implementing new subsidies for new energy vehicles. Among them, new energy passenger vehicles with a battery life of 150 kilometers or less will no longer enjoy state subsidies.


In the Circular on Adjusting the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles (Caijian [2016] No. 958) issued on February 12 this year, the national subsidy standard for new energy vehicles in 2018 was clarified and 2018 was established. From February 12 to June 11, 2018 is the transitional period. During the transitional period, new energy passenger vehicles and new energy passenger vehicles on board are subsidized at a rate of 0.7 times the corresponding standard for 2017, new energy vehicles and special vehicles are subsidized at a rate of 0.4 times the corresponding standard in 2017, and the subsidy standard for fuel cell vehicles remains unchanged.

In the new policy, the energy battery density of new energy vehicles is further stipulated, and the amount of subsidies for high energy density vehicles will be relatively higher. It stipulates that the energy density of a power battery system for a pure electric passenger car not less than 105-120Wh/kg shall be subsidized at 0.6 times, 120-140Wh/kg for one-time subsidy, and 140-160Wh/kg for 1.1 times. Subsidy, subsidy of 1.2 times for vehicles of 160Wh/kg and above.

In addition to state subsidies, local subsidies will be implemented on the basis of this standard in all new energy promotion regions. The amount of subsidies shall not exceed 50% of the national subsidy standard.

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