The important nutrient influence factor in the growth process of corn is the amount of nitrogen in chemical fertilizers. For the study of many soil fertilizer testers, it has been reported that different proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium have different effects on the growth of corn. It is rare to study the changes of amino acid and soluble sugar content in glutinous maize fruit. Therefore, the above research can provide a certain theoretical basis for high quality sound field and cultivation of corn. Suzhou Sikor Industry Co., Ltd. ,
At the jointing stage and tasseling stage, 3 plants with the same growth and robustness were marked in each treatment plot. The marked plants were bagged at the tasseling stage, artificial pollination was conducted at the silking stage, pollination was conducted after pollination for 5 days. Sampling late milking. The ear of corn was dehulled, beaten with pulp, and measured for amino acids in food and titration for determination of total amino acid and soluble sugar content. After the corn was fully mature, the sample was taken and the soil fertilizer detector was used to measure the yield.
The results of the soil fertiliser tester showed that the application amount of diammonium phosphate and urea was gradually decreased and organic manure was applied. The soluble sugar content of the green food ear increased gradually. It can be seen that the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus has influence on the soluble sugar content in the ear of green corn. The results of the soil fertilizer tester showed that the application amount of diammonium phosphate and urea was gradually reduced and organic fertilizers were applied. The total amino acid content of the green food ear increased gradually. Amino acid content increases, palatability is better.
In the production and cultivation of glutinous maize, appropriate application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, together with the application of organic fertilizer, can produce high yield and quality waxy corn. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were reduced in waxy maize. Tests on soil fertiliser detectors showed that changes in fertilization rates did not significantly change the changing trend of the main quality components of waxy corn during grain filling, but had a great influence on the content of major quality components. Among the most influential are soluble sugars and whole amino acids. The reduction in the amount of fertilizer also reduces the production accordingly.
Study on Effect of Soil Fertilizer Detector in Waxy Maize Planting