The integrator instrument features

In the 21st century, with the deepening of scientific research on the agricultural production research, and with the combination of modern technologies and agricultural technologies, the quality of agricultural research has been improved, such as the study of the accumulation of light in crops. In conclusion, the integrator has contributed to these achievements. Let's take a look at the characteristics of the integrator instrument:
1. The integrator uses an inductive probe composed of semiconductor optoelectronic components, which has a wide spectral range and fully satisfies the absorption spectrum (physiological radiation) of the biological population in photosynthesis. The photoelectric conversion efficiency is high. In the probe, temperature compensation components are also prepared. They are installed in the white multi-layer sealing device with high temperature and humidity barrier capability, which greatly reduces the influence of temperature and improves the accuracy and stability. In order to extend the life of the photoelectric element in the probe and improve the directivity of the received light, a neutral filter, a milky white filter, and a leveling instrument are added to the probe.
2. The pulsing trigger circuit of the integrator has a high oscillation frequency, which increases the pulse counting frequency, which greatly improves the sensitivity and accuracy of the instrument.
3. The integrator counter uses MOS IC six-digit decimal. The data is displayed by a six-digit fluorescent digital tube, with many digits, large input impedance, no error, clear display, good stability, and high accuracy.
The digital integrator is a new kind of photoelectric photometric instrument. After the successful development of this machine, it was tested by the Shanghai Metrology and Measurement Administration. After the use of the Wenzhou meteorological observatory, the agricultural science institute, and the rural science and technology network base, the effect was satisfactory. Good, very popular.

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