Automatic calorimeter troubleshooting and maintenance methods

Automatic calorimeter troubleshooting and maintenance methods 1. Oxygen bomb leakage. Rubber seal aging or wear, replace the oxygen bomb seals in various parts.

2. Ignition failed. The line is inaccessible or has poor contact. Check whether the connection is connected well. Whether the oxygen warhead and the ignition cap are in good contact or not, and whether the oxygen bomb inner cylinder is in place. The sample was wet, oxygen was splashed on the sample too quickly, and the ignition wire or cotton wire was badly contacted with the sample and reloaded. Both electrodes are dirty and the electrodes are ground with sandpaper. The ignition cap is oxidized, and the oxide of the ignition cap is polished with sandpaper. The two electrodes are short-circuited to the crucible (in this case, the crucible and the electrode are easily burned). Replace the electrode or crucible and reload the sample.

3. The sample is not completely burned and the sample is not flammable. Oxygen is not enough or the oxygen pressure is not enough. Use a mirror wrap to wrap the sample to prolong the oxygenation time and replace the oxygen bottle.

4. The humidity rises too high after ignition and the heat value is too high. The stirrer does not turn and the stirrer shaft is stuck and the line is blocked. Mix the leaves and insert a cotton thread into the nylon rod hole connected to the stirring shaft and re-plug it.

5. When the test is not completed for a long time, the ambient temperature is too high, and the water temperature of the external cylinder is basically the same as the room temperature, or the indoor temperature is lowered.

6. Leakage during oxygenation, aging or wear of the sealing ring in oxygenation, and replacement of the oxygenating device seal.

Daily maintenance and inspection of the automatic calorimeter The following inspections and maintenance should be performed frequently after the end of each day's test, so that the instrument can always maintain a good working condition and can prolong its service life. 1. Oxygen bomb: Except for each test, In addition to cleaning and drying, the following points should also be noted and inspected:

(1).Oxygen bombs can only be twisted by hand. When the hand feels resistance, it should be stopped. Never try to use a hard twisting tool. After each test is completed, it should be cleaned.

(2).Bombs and seats should be flushed and wiped dry after use.

(3). The cup is rinsed, the thread is scrubbed, and check the bullet cup for mechanical damage. Be careful not to invert the cup.

(4). Check whether the seal ring is worn and burned. If the leak is not tight, it should be replaced.

(5). Check whether the insulation pad and insulation cover are in good condition, whether damaged or not, and check the insulation performance periodically.

(6) Regularly conduct a 20.0Mpa hydrostatic test on the oxygen bomb. After each hydrostatic test, the oxygen bomb must not be used for more than one year.

2. Calorimeter: After the end of the test, the microcomputer precision automatic calorimeter should be wiped dry and kept clean.

3. Test water: The best is pure water and distilled water, and it should be replaced regularly to ensure the test reliability and success rate.

Hydraulic Gear Pump

The working principle of hydraulic gear pump is that when the gear rotates, the volume of the space on the side of the gear becomes larger from small to form a vacuum, and the liquid is inhaled. The volume of the space on the side of the gear meshes from large to small, and the liquid is squeezed into the pipeline.

In terms of terms, gear pump is also called positive displacement device, that is, like a piston in a cylinder, when a tooth enters the fluid space of another tooth, because the liquid is incompressible, so the liquid and tooth can not occupy the same space at the same time, so that the liquid is mechanically squeezed out.

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