Car Washer,Adjust Pressure High Pressure Washer,Self-Sucking High Pressure Washer Qingdao Main-Link Cleaning Equipment Co.,Ltd , The Eurasian Economic Commission decided to extend the application period of anti-dumping duties imposed on rolling bearings imported from China (except needle roller bearings) until January 20, 2018.
In addition to anti-dumping duties of 31.3% imposed on rolling bearings imported from Wuxi Rolling Bearing Co., Ltd., anti-dumping duties of 41.5% are imposed on rolling bearings imported from rolling bearing manufacturers in other parts of China.
Anti-dumping duties will no longer be levied on rolling bearings imported from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, and will be refunded from January 21, 2013 to September 17, 2013.
In December 2007, Russia imposed a five-year anti-dumping duty on rolling bearings originating in China; on June 22, 2011, the Customs Union Committee decided that the anti-dumping tax should apply to the customs territory of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
Euro-Asian economy postpones China's bearing anti-dumping duties