Noise from coherent laser properties is a major drawback of digital holography, which reduces the quality of holographic images under traditional photographs. Pasquale Memmolo and his collaborators from the Institute for Air Safety Investigation (ISASI) today almost eliminate this noise with a two-stage algorithm that has the qualities of qualitatively and quantitatively improving noise. In particular, the algorithm reduces noise by 98% in the background area and 92% in the signal area. Digital holography is a powerful imaging technology for 3-D vision and display systems. However, the use of coherent light sources introduces a disturbing visual phenomenon, speckle noise, due to the inherent interference effects of the laser. This coherent noise seriously degrades the corresponding reconstruction quality of the holographic system. Reduced coherence of light, through engineered laser sources, or by recording and combining multiple holograms, are two major technical approaches to solving this problem. In particular, multipath digital holography (MLDH) is one of the most effective techniques for improving numerical and optical reconstruction quality. However, several methods that have been proposed so far to reduce the holographic noise are to pass through complicated operation processes, which is generally applied to digital visualization of digital holograms for enhanced digital reconstruction. There are few ways to work directly on the holographic recording layer to improve imaging quality. Among these methods, the three-dimensional module matched filtering (BM3D) has a very powerful denoising ability. In the field of digital image processing, the module grouping collaborative filtering strategy is adopted. However, this approach requires that an image with a certain initial signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) be processed, otherwise incorrect grouping may occur and the reconstruction quality may be reduced. In order to overcome this limitation, the initial filtering usually adopts the case of low signal-to-noise ratio image, that is to carry out digital hologram processing. Researchers conducted joint processing of multipath digital holograms, grouping, and collaborative filtering. This technology enables high-quality numerical reconstruction of digital holography. They call this method MLDH-BM3D. In particular, the preprocessing step to enhance the packet is achieved, ensuring better operating conditions for iterative processing of sparse three-dimensional co-filtering. They proved that the BM3D module can be considered as a complementary step, mixing intelligent optical recording methods and numerical processing steps. This method works well for both single and multiple wavelengths of digital holography, achieving up to 98 percent noise suppression, resulting in a very high quality holographic 3-D image reconstruction that can be viewed by human eyes It is considered "noiseless" vision. This impressive result paves the way for the next generation of holographic imaging systems based on laser technology. Cnc Machining Service,Cnc Copper Machining,Oem Copper Parts,Cnc Machining Copper Parts Shenzhen Yuheng Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. ,
Quasi-noise-free digital holography